Well, when you're BFFs with Dr. Daisy Purdy, you barely raise an eyebrow because you know this roller-skating undertaking must be the best avenue she has found to fund research and dialogue about inequities in Indian Country. She, and her research partner Dr. Tommy Rock of the Navajo Nation, dedicate their professional and personal lives to investigate environmental and societal changes that disproportionately impact community health in Indian Country. Read more about them here:
Given the intensity of this 2000-mile goal, you may picture a procession of support vehicles, end-of-the-day foot rubs, chef-cooked meals, air conditioning, and soft mattresses to sleep on. The daily routine of this roller-skating crusader is not glamorous. 100% of the proceeds are going towards research. The trip is supported by various sponsors and Daisy herself is paying for most of this trip out of her own pocket with some supplemental funds from friends. She is committing all donations to advancing awareness and funding culturally appropriate scientific research.
Here is a taste of what one day of this 6-8-week commitment looks like:
Rise at 5am, eat something, tape blistered feet, put on skates, start rolling
Use every muscle in body to skate, on pavement, for 20-60 miles
Stop for two quick 10-min breaks to not lose momentum, and to beat the hot wind that arrives late afternoon
Manage body heat and water intake in 100+ degree temps
Break during exhausting hot headwinds and get back on the road early evening for 10-20 additional miles
During break makes calls, emails, and posts to raise awareness
Stop for day and cook dinner on a camp stove in a park or parking lot
Settle in for the night in the front seats of a car shared with one support team member and a 90-pound blind dog named Moo
Sleep when your parking location isn't too hot, too loud, or too conspicuous.
Daisy has skated 1,500 miles out of her 2,000-mile goal, sometimes skating over 70-miles in one day. On roller skates. Her goal is to raise $50 per mile. If she can raise $80,000 the Decolonizing Wealth Project will generously pledge $15,000-20,000.
Pretend tomorrow you will wake up at 5am, put on a pair of roller skates and skate on pavement towards North Carolina. Consider metaphorically pushing Daisy a mile or two (or 1/16th of a mile if that's your budget!) to her destination. I'm trying to ask you to donate if you have the means, and share this crazy roller-skating, fundraising feat with your friends, family.